Mobil Application Image:Video:

Mobile Application Description:Purpose:Advantage:

With the developing technology, the systems we actively use in our shrinking smart devices are called mobile applications.

Mobile applications are adjusted to suit the iOS and Android operating systems worldwide. Users can do a lot of operations quickly without the need for desktop devices.

Project Description:

Our project is name abbreviation of “Hospital Mobile Application System”. We can consider the general structure as an “Information System”

Project Purpose:

H-MAS can be connected to the existing hospital data system or has a private data store. In addition, users can make online appointments, request analysis and report results and so on. using the features available on the mobile devices. In this way, the system aims to increase the satisfaction of users through receiving more quality service.

Proje Advantage:

H-MAS is developed using the latest technology languages, making it powerful in terms of speed and safety.

In this system with many advantages, users can perform their operations quickly and at any time they can access the services they received in the past. The advantages for hospital management are; preventing unnecessary paper spending , speeding up operations and increasing the satisfaction of patients and users.

It is also an important factor in reducing the advertising costs by sharing important information about the hospital (a new doctor joining the hospital, etc.).

  • Integration support such as MedData etc.
  • Web Management Panel Integration Support
  • Web Site Integration Support
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Online appointment system that patients can use comfortably.
  • Online results tracking system where users can see their lab results.
  • Doctor’s resume module, where doctors from the hospital will be introduced.
  • Questionnaire module to improve the quality of doctors and hospitals.
  • An advanced notification system to remind patients of their appointments.
  • The news system highlighted to show users the innovations in the hospital.
  • Reporting system where people registered to the system can follow hospital history.
  • Login with SMS confirmation
  • Integrated communication module for GoogleMaps and phone calls with hospital contact information .
  • Publicity module introducing the hospital corporate identity in detail.
  • Patient visit book module.
  • Introduction (single show ) describing application usage for users .
  • Doctor evaluation module.
  • Instant personalized or collective notification module.
  • Support and emergency help desk module.
  • User-friendly interface that is easy to understand and available.
  • Displaying Statistics (Application visitor statistics, etc.)
  • Membership tracking and control system
  • User segmentation
  • Creating a survey and display the results of surveys
  • Easy to manage panel
  • Appointment follow-up and control
  • Detailed notification sending system
Switch The Language

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